As our lives become more and more hectic, and families are spread farther and farther apart, the idea of family heirlooms has seemed to go by the wayside. Having an oil portrait painting to hand down to a member of the next generation is a wonderful thing to be able to do. What it truly means to the recipient can be too much for words.
Many people assume that the younger generation will not appreciate things that represent a tie to the past. Young adults often appear to want to only want to live in the moment, yet this can be a very misleading and misinforming illusion. The ties to the past can often provide a much-needed grounding and a sense of having come from somewhere, and conversely the purpose of going somewhere.
There are entire websites and services dedicated to helping people find out what their family roots are. It seems as though the geographical distance between people has reawakened in many a desire to learn about their past. The dive into personal history often brings up stories about people that can be incredibly inspiring for those that seek to learn them.
There is really no better way to make history come alive for a person. Few people really care about the average daily goings on of a messenger or secretary. However, once you have a personal tie to that person it can spark an interest in the minutest details of his or her life. That can lead to a much broader desire to know history and how it affected every day people. Learning details of family history can open up a whole new way to learn world history.
Put aside for a moment the thoughts of having a piece of history that you are able to pass along, and how that might affect your outlook on life. Think about the cost of having one of these done yourself, of your family, that you may hand down about you. Who will you pass it along to? What will it mean to them and how far down will it get passed? When you stop and think of what you are doing, it is really a way to immortalize yourself.
One way to pass this down is to give it as a wedding gift to a son or daughter, or niece or nephew. This way they have a way of showing where they came from. As an added plus you could give a certificate for the newly weds to also have a painting done.
Put all together it can be a pictorial family tree. The longer that the tradition is carried on the most interesting it becomes. Think about generations on end being able to carry it on and how great that would be all put together on one wall.
Source : Ezinearticles
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